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Be aware and share the road with motorcycles!

It’s that time of year, people are ready to get out of hibernation-mode and back into the great outdoors. For many, there is no better way than rounding up the wolfpack, firing up the motorcycles, and exploring the Ohio scenery. For everyone though, it is that time of year we all need to be aware and pay more attention driving. I have always sought to be a defensive driver – thinking “I’m the one that can control myself and immediate surroundings.” The fact of the matter is though, being defensive isn’t always enough. In this technology-forward day and age, distracted drivers are now the norm. As I travel extensively for court hearings every week, I can’t help but notice each time the “dumb” drivers looking down at their “smart” phones – INSTEAD OF WATCHING THE ROAD. This is a nationwide recognized problem too, as the month of April has even been dubbed as Distracted Driving Awareness Month. What is often not realized before it is too late though is what happens to riders and their families as a result of accidents caused by other drivers not paying attention. The reality is those accidents that would be considered minor, causing minimal injuries between drivers of two cars are MAJOR with life-changing, permanent injuries when a motorcycle is involved – broken bones, spinal injuries, and traumatic-brain injuries are unfortunately common results and all have massive life-altering effects. Insurance companies will add insult to your injuries and recovery, as they want to discount your pain and suffering, and only offer you the minimal financial and medical support they can get away with. If you, a friend, or family member have been involved in a motorcycle accident contact us to deal with the insurance companies so you can focus on your recovery.

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