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Social Security disability hearing wait times worsen…

The majority of those denied their Social Security disability benefits have to survive the appeals process and appear before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). Unfortunately the Social Security Administration has a large backlog and the appeals process time it takes to ultimately see an ALJ can take close to two years. Here are the current average wait times provided by Social Security.

Unfortunately, Social Security has been unable to make any noticeable progress on handling the backlog of claims. This is due to budget constraints and hiring freezes. The backlog may be even more exacerbated by the recent hiring freeze implemented by President Donald Trump. The backlog is devastating for my clients. These are the people who are desperate – they are getting older, getting sicker, and many are involved in additional accidents and injuries during the wait time. This backlog makes it even more important to properly and thoroughly set up your claim in the initial stages as best as one can. Contact Graham Law if you have any questions or concerns regarding your disability claim.

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