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Workers Compensation

Beware of Personal Injury Lead Generation Sites

If you’ve been searching online recently for a personal injury law firm, or just browsing around for information about legal topics and services, you may have come across advertisements for companies promising certain results for victims of car crashes. Beware: most of them are not law firms, but rather paid lead generation companies.   These …

Are There Special Rules For Driving a Commercial Vehicle in Bad Weather?

In an Ohio winter, drivers need to always be prepared for snow, ice, high winds, and reduced visibility. The state’s location and weather patterns make it prone to rapid changes and intense winter storm events that can develop and move through quickly, giving little warning before impacting an area. At other times, Ohio can experience …

Workers’ Compensation and Seasonal Employees: What You Need to Know

Over half a million temporary workers and seasonal employees are hired in the retail and logistics sectors during the busy holiday season. Seasonal hiring also increases during other times of the year based on industry demand. Temporary and seasonal workers can face heightened risks of workplace injuries due to factors such as minimal training, high-pressure …

How Can a Failed Drug Test Affect an Ohio Workers’ Compensation Claim?

Anybody hurt on the job in Ohio should receive workers’ compensation benefits, regardless of how the accident occurred and who was at fault. But there are exceptions to this rule, including instances where the injured employee was under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time of the accident. Failing a drug test—even for …

Structured Settlements in Injury Cases – How They Work and Benefits

When a client settles a personal injury or workers’ compensation claim, there are different options for receiving the settlement proceeds. One option is a structured settlement. At Graham Law, depending on our client’s situation, we often consider structured settlements. They can be helpful for protecting settlement money paid to a minor child, but adults might …

OSHA Safety Violations, Penalties, and Lawsuits

The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act) is intended to provide workers with safe and healthy working conditions. Every workplace covered by the OSH Act is subject to inspection by Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) compliance officers. When inspectors find OSHA safety violations, OSHA may issue citations and penalties, including imprisonment in some cases. …

Repetitive Stress Injuries and Workers’ Compensation

When you think of a workplace injury, the first thing that comes to mind may be an accident, such as a fall, slip, or trip. But in fact, workers are more likely to be injured due to repetitive tasks over a long period than they are a sudden trauma. Repetitive stress injuries affect millions of …

Graham Law Wins Workers’ Compensation Death Benefits Appeal

Normally, when a worker dies on the job in Ohio, the worker’s dependent family members—such as a surviving spouse and children—are entitled to workers’ compensation death benefits. In a recent case handled by Graham Law, the Industrial Commission of Ohio (IC) found that a woman was not entitled to death benefits because she wasn’t married …

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